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the GOSPEL of
Jesus Christ.
Providing quality care for the uninsured.

On behalf of everyone at OLGFC, we welcome you! It seems that God whispers in our pleasure and shouts to us in our pain. In response to this, we the faith community in Worthington and volunteers throughout Minnesota, have heard and listened to the cry of the poor.

You are invited to view a new film created and gifted to Our Lady of Guadalupe Free Clinic (OLGFC) to shine a light connecting the mission of OLGFC and the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB’s) three-year Eucharistic Revival. OLGFC is grateful to Diocese of Winona-Rochester volunteers executive producer/director Laurie Archbold from the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and producer/editor Donny Rowles, from the Church of the Resurrection for creating the short film.
“The story of OLGFC was put on my heart five years ago when I first learned about the mission and was introduced to the community by board member Lynn Farrell. It seems that the Holy Spirit prompted the final tug on my heart to help share the OLGFC story when Fr. Jim and I were asked to be on the DOW-R Eucharistic Revival Committee together,” said Archbold. “The Eucharistic Revival challenges us to deepen a personal relationship with Jesus and to see how the real presence of Jesus renews, restores, and compels us to respond in love and go out to a world in need. Love is at the center of the OLGFC story because hearts are healed and transformed individually, inside families and within the wider community by meeting the person of Jesus Christ."
The Eucharist challenges us to see with new sight what is possible for our shared humanity when it comes to the complexities of migration, care for the poor, justice, solidarity, and the promotion of peace. The mission of OLGFC is a beautiful story of the Eucharist nourished and led by prayer, sacraments and building community in Jesus Christ.”
Together the volunteers, donors, staff and patients have answered the call to live out their faith. Thank you to everyone who has given so freely of their time and treasure to help the patients have health care over the past twelve years. Special thanks to Co-Founders Fr. Jim Callahan and Dr. David Plevak.
We are pleased to present a new logo for OLGFC Free Clinic. This beautiful logo is full of imagery and meaning.
At first glance, the icon represents Our Lady of Guadalupe as a caring and loving. A Mother who is always watching and protecting.
The signature Marian blue color depicts the color of the Virgin Mary.
The long cloak represents "El Camino" – our journeys in life. Many of our patients journey a long way to arrive here in Worthington and at OLGFC. We honor and respect each camino.
The stars on her cloak further identity her as Our Lady of Guadalupe (who has similar stars on her cloak) and also represent the Physical, Spiritual and Emotional care OLGFC offers our patients.
The tear drop on the left side of her cloak represents the tears and sorrows of our patients who have suffered on their journey.
The tear drop also represents OLGFC and our motto that says: We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. – Mother Teresa
MONDAY-THURDAY 8:00am-4:30pm
FRIDAY 8:00am-12:00pm
Prayer Support Needed
We thank all of our great volunteers for making OLGFC a place of compassionate care. If you are not in the medical field but would like to support our mission, please consider joining us for ADORATION during the next OLGFC.

Star Tribune Tells Story
In the Sunday edition of the StarTribune 9/30/2018, columnist Jennifer Brooks tells the story of OLGFC on the front page of Section B-Local-State-Region news. The article graphically describes the pain, suffering and also the joy of the immigrant families Fr. Jim Callahan found when he arrived at St. Mary's in Worthington.
A Letter from an OLGFC patient
Dear Volunteers of Our Lady of Guadalupe Free Clinic,
My name is Jaime. These words are for you volunteers, you are very important for us, you give of your time for the simple fact of helping your neighbor giving us back the hope and motivation to live.
Thanks a million, there is no other way to thank you for what you do for people’s lives. May God bless you and your families.
You are instruments of life. Thank you for the generosity, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
May God reward and multiply for this kind action that you do, thanks for everything you do for the health of us, the most needy.
Thanks a million!
Thank you to our amazing donors who support the work of the clinic!
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.