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About Us
OLGFC started as a simple dream between two friends to reach out to those in need and provide medical care for a few people who were concerned about their health care. Over the past years, OLGFC has grown and is currently serving the needs of those who have limited heatlhcare alternatives in southwestern Minnesota. We host several larger clinics throughout the year and provide daily care at our downtown office.

Dr. Dave Plevak & Fr. Jim Callahan

Dave Plevak, MD. | OLGFC Co-Founder
Graduate of Marquette University and The Medical College of Wisconsin
Board Certified in Internal Medicine Anesthesiology, and Critical Care Medicine
Roman Catholic Deacon, Diocese of Winona
I have known Father Jim for almost 20 years. When he moved to Worthington, he was impressed that many of his parishioners had little or no access to healthcare. He asked me to come to Worthington to see for myself. I did. I saw a great need. I also met a great community of people who continue to give to me as much or more than I give to them.

Fr. James Callahan | OLGFC Spiritual Director
Senior Pastor, St. Mary's Church - Worthington, MN
Not long ago, a man asked me to describe in one word the OLG Free Clinic. The first word that came to my mind was CORAZON, or HEART. I see the heart as the center of life and the place of ultimate understanding. Love has the spiritual power that truly heals, liberates and changes people.
The beginning of OLG Free Clinic is a love story of two friends who fell in love with the immigrant and the materially poor and welcomed every opportunity to enter into their lives and truly become one of them. Gradually we became incarnated into this culture as we experienced a gradual transformation of the Corazon Imigrante y Pobre into our own body and soul.
We saw in these communities of people a God infused wisdom and clarity that emerged from the radical simplicity of their lives, and their daily suffering and total dependence on God. Thus was born the Our Lady of Guadalupe Free Clinic.

Bryan Hagen | OLGFC Pharmacy Director & Board President
Pharmacist - Sanford Medical

Joe Anderson | Board Vice-President

Mariana Gutierrez | Staff: OLGFC Administrator
Working with the volunteers and patients of OLGFC has been wonderful for me. One of the greatest pleasures in my work is being able to assist those people in my community who were unable to access health care. The relationships and trust that is developing is incredible and grows with each clinic.